This shouldn't take longer than a few seconds...
Emergency save recovery system
This appears because the loading took too long.
Please press F12 and open the console to see if any error shows up.
If error appears, please take a screenshot and send it to me.
Please also include your save file when you send the screenshot (as it can speed up the debugging process).
You can export your game by pressing "export" button
Once you are done, press "hard reset" button to reset the game.
Light: {{format(game.light)}} {{buffDisplay}}
{{hasCBit( ? 1 : 0}}
Rainbow: {{format(game.rainbow, 2, 0)}}
You have completed the game in: {{getWinTime}}
Big thanks to my friend for testing the game.
You can either continue playing, reset with a bonus or reset without bonus.
Created by Buck | Made for IGJ 2021
Replay {{buffReset ? "with" : "without"}} bonus
您确定要重玩游戏吗{{buffReset ? "" : " 无奖励"}}?